Build Year: 2014

Customer: World Marine Offshore

Design By: Fjellstrand

Vessel Type: WindServer 30

Project Description

“World Bora” is a WindServer 30 designed for exceptional sea keeping also at slow speed ensuring safe access to the windmills

The trimaran hull is designed for a light transit mode and a ballasted mode when approaching windmills in heavy seas

A foil in the fore combined with a SWATH shaped center hull creates the unique motion dampening of the vessel

The vessel is equipped with a stabilizing active ride control system, a vessel motion monitoring system and the vessel can carry 24 passengers in comfort seats, accommodated by a crew of 5

The vessel is built with following class notations; Hull ✠ 100 RSA (50) HSC-Passenger A Offshore Wind Farm Service Craft, Machinery ✠ MC